Starting zipcreator
To start zipcreator, double-click on the zipcreator.jar file.

If zipcreator does not start, check that the Java Runtime Environment is installed and .jar files are associated with the Java application launcher.
Common tasks
Make a new zip file
- Click the New button in the toolbar.
New button in the zipcreator toolbar - Use the Add button to add new entries to the list. You can also drag and
drop files and directories into the list.
- To remove unwanted entries from the list, select the entries and click the Remove button.
- Use the Save As button to specify where to save the zip file.
Extract entries from a zip file
- Click the Open button in the toolbar to open an existing file.
- Select the relevant entries, then click the Extract button in the toolbar.
- Choose a destination in the "Extract to directory" dialog.
Update an existing zip file
- Open the zip file you wish to update.
- Click the Add button if you want to add new entries to the list.
- To remove entries from the list, make a selection and click the Remove button.
- Click the Save button in the toolbar to update the zip file. To save the zip file with a different name or in a different location, use the Save As button.